3-Wire Pacemakers Ankara
Pacemakers are one of the most effective treatment methods used to correct problems that develop due to the slow working of the heart. In addition to this, there are also batteries that are popularly called pacemakers, but we use them mostly because they have an “Electroshock” feature, and they are called “ICD” in medical language. 3-wire batteries, on the other hand, are the batteries equipped with a very special technology that have both shock properties (ICD) and an additional feature such as strengthening the heart. These are called “CRT-ICD” in medical language. That’s why we use 3-wire batteries in some heart failure patients that we think will benefit. CRT-ICDs are also called “biventricular ICDs” in medical language.
Heart failure is a disease that affects the vital functions of the person and shortens the life of the patient if left untreated. Therefore, when CRT-ICD or three-cable pacemakers are applied to some patients with heart failure, a significant improvement can be achieved in both the quality of life and survival of the patients. These batteries can also detect sudden fatal rhythm disorders and apply shock, as I said before. In this way, the person avoids an important deadly danger thanks to the battery. In the rest of our article, we will talk about the features that make 3-chamber pacemakers different. If you want to get more detailed information about the types and prices of pacemakers, you can call clinic of Prof. Basri Amasyalı in Ankara.
What are 3-Wire (3-Chamber) Pacemakers?
3-wire pacemakers are a group of pacemakers mainly used in the treatment of heart failure patients with left bundle branch block. The reason why it is called 3 wires is that it has 3 wires that stimulate the three separate chambers of the heart. In addition, the second most important feature is the realization of life-threatening sudden rhythm changes in the heart and the correction of these rhythm disorders with shock application. The heart contracts thousands of times every day, pumping the blood that our body needs to our largest vein, the aorta. In a normal person, the stimuli from the sinus node operate the atria and ventricles of the heart in a healthy way, allowing the heart to beat between 60 and 100 beats per minute. Electrical stimulation problems in any of these elements cause the heart to beat faster or slower than normal. If the rhythm irregularity is not treated, the problem can become more serious and some rhythm disorders can exacerbate heart failure or initiate a new heart failure in the person.
Who Gets 3-Wire Batteries – Biventricular-ICDs?
3-wire batteries can be used in people with heart failure, reduced heart functions, and irregularly contracted heart walls. It is an ideal treatment approach especially for heart failure cases with left bundle branch block that does not respond to drug therapy. However, before this decision is taken, the results of electrocardiography and echocardiography of the patients should be evaluated. 3-wire pacemakers can be fitted to patients of all ages. However, it is not applied to every heart failure patient.
What is the Difference Between 3-Wire Pacemakers and Others?
The difference of 3-wire pacemakers from other pacemakers; when necessary, it has the ability to give shock therapy. 3-chamber pacemakers can detect sudden rhythm changes in the heart. Thus, in sudden attacks, it delivers short shocks to the heart. The shock effect helps the heart beat regularly again. This feature is a life-saving feature for severe heart failure cases at risk of sudden death.
How to Apply 3-Wire Batteries?
Insertion of 3-wire pacemakers is the same as for other batteries. However, it is a laborious process. It is a more difficult procedure than simple battery operations due to the fact that it has a third cable and can be performed by physicians with special experience. The procedure is performed in private angiography laboratories. Do not think of it as a major operation. It is performed under local anesthesia and sedation. General anesthesia is not used. It is a procedure performed under local anesthesia by numbing the area to be treated and putting the patient to sleep with some drugs. The procedure is performed through a small incision of 4-5 cm made from the lower part of the left collarbone of the patient. Cables are sent to the heart from a large vein located here, and after the battery generator is placed under the muscle in this area, the incision is closed and the procedure is completed. How long it takes to insert the batteries depends on the type of battery used and the experience of the doctor performing the procedure. 3-wire batteries take an average of 45 minutes to install. If the anesthesia is done well and the physician is experienced in this regard, almost all of the patients do not remember the procedure afterward, and none of them experience pain or unbearable discomfort during the procedure.
After pacemakers are inserted;
- We do inseams at our own centre. Therefore, you do not need to have stitches removed. If there are sutures on the skin, the sutures are removed in about 8-10 days. However, in both cases, water should not touch the suture line for 8-10 days.
- The patient should pay attention to the arm movements and should not load the arm on the operated side for 1 month. Carrying too much weight and lying on the arm until recovery can adversely affect the pacemaker.
- The patient should put at least 15 cm between the metal detector and electronic devices. Electronic items may cause the pacemaker to malfunction. In such a case, you should contact your doctor to have the settings of the battery checked.
- The lifespan of 3-chamber pacemakers is an average of 6 to 7 years, just like other pacemakers. In this process, regular routine checks are made at 6-month intervals to monitor the status of the battery and the health of the patient.
To get information about 3-chamber pacemakers and their prices, you can call our clinic in Ankara and make an appointment.