Low Heart Rate

Low Heart Rate Ankara

Pulse, which is also known as heart rate; it is also known as the force exerted on the heart vessels during the contraction of the heart. In other words, our heart rate expresses how many times the heart contracts in a minute. We can understand our pulse by putting our finger on the points where the arteries are superficial. Around here, the areas such as wrists, temples, both sides of our neck and groin. The most common heart rate point is our wrist. When we turn our hands so that our palms are facing the opposite direction, we have an artery called the “radial artery” on the outside of our wrists. When we control this place by applying light pressure with our finger, we can feel our pulse very easily. In a healthy person, the heart rate should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute while at rest.

If the heart rate is lower than this value, it is “low pulse”; if it is high, it is called “high heart rate”, that is, “tachycardia”. So what causes low heart rate? How to raise the heart rate? We will answer these questions in our article. In Ankara, if you are curious about heart diseases and heart disease, you can contact clinic of Prof. Basri Amasyalı.

What Should the Normal Pulse Rate Be? What is the Normal Heart Rate?

In a healthy adult, the heart rate should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute while at rest. However, we should not forget this. The heart rate is a very dynamic parameter. So it can differ significantly from person to person. When interpreting whether the pulse level we detect in a person is normal or not, we need to know that many variables such as the person’s age, gender, frequency of physical activity, emotional state and the heart and blood pressure medications that he/she has used should be taken into account. For example, the heart rate in children aged 1-2 years is higher than in adults, and the resting heart rate in children under one year of age is above 100 in most of the time of the day and the average heart rate is around 110. However, in adults, the heart rate should be below 100 during the resting period. Men and women have different heart rates. Women’s hearts beat on average 6-7 beats per minute more than men. In individuals who do sports constantly, the heart contracts more strongly, and the nerve networks in the heart regulate themselves, reducing the heart rate significantly compared to those who do not do any sports. For example, the resting heart rate in athletes can go down to 40s per minute. This is purely physiological and not considered a disease. In addition, the detection of this situation in a person who has never done sports in his life and lived in an unhealthy way often indicates a pathological condition. Normally, the resting heart rate is close to 100 in people who do not do any sports and live in constant fear and stress.

The heart rate should be measured in a calm state and should be checked after the person has rested for at least 5 minutes. The heart rate obtained should be evaluated according to the person’s lifestyle and other accompanying factors. The average heart rate in the general adult population is 65-75 per minute.

What is Bradycardia? What Does Low Heart Rate Mean?

In general, a heart rate below 60 in adults is called bradycardia, that is, low heart rate. If the heart rate is above 100, it is called “tachycardia”, that is, palpitations. However, for the reasons I mentioned above, every heart rate below 60 does not indicate the presence of disease.

What are the Symptoms of Low Pulse?

In a person with a low heart rate, since sufficient blood cannot go to all organs of the person, the organs cannot receive enough oxygen and the organs cannot rest. In this case, almost all patients have general fatigue and fatigue. We can list the symptoms of low heart rate in order of frequency as follows:

  • Dizziness
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Fatigue quickly
  • Pain in the chest
  • Inability to breathe
  • Fainting: it happens especially in advanced stages of low heart rate.

What Causes Low Heart Rate?

There can be many reasons for low heart rate. In order of frequency, these are:

  • Problems developing depending on the coronary artery disease
  • Cardiac warning and conduction system diseases caused by aging
  • Side effects of the heart and blood pressure medications
  • Liver and kidney diseases
  • Salt loss of the body, some mineral deficiencies
  • Less working goiter or thyroid gland

What Causes High Heart Rate?

Like a low heart rate, a high heart rate often indicates a cardiac or non-cardiac problem. Most heart arrhythmias and heart failure are the most common causes of high heart rate. At the beginning of non-cardiac causes are anemia, emotional changes, conditions such as thyroid and goiter.

How to Treat Low Heart Rate?

The important thing in the treatment of low heart rate is detection of the cause of the low heart rate. The complaint of low heart rate first brings to mind problems related to heart health. Patient history is also very important in the diagnosis of low heart rate. The patient’s daily physical activity intensity, age, gender and existing diseases should be considered and the treatment should be planned accordingly. Permanent pacemaker treatment should be considered in cases deemed appropriate.

What Should We Do for the Ideal Pulse Rate?

The people with a pulse rate above or below normal can keep their heart rate at normal values by taking care of their heart health. In fact, our heart rate is a sign that shows how healthy we are living. If our average heart rate is between 50 and 65, this is actually perfect. The closer our average heart rate is to 80-90, the unhealthier we live. To protect heart health, it is required to do the followings:

  • Keeping cholesterol under control
  • Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
  • Paying attention to the diet and acquiring the habit of eating healthy and natural foods
  • Consumption of heart-friendly fruits and vegetables in season
  • Keeping blood pressure under control. Measuring pulse and blood pressure regularly, especially in elderly individuals. Regular monitoring of heart health
  • Prioritizing low-calorie diets and paying attention to low-salt nutrition
  • Making an exercise plan suitable for age and daily activities and following this plan regularly. Performing cardio-weighted exercises for heart health
  • If we are overweight, trying to get rid of it and try to stay at the ideal weight.

How to Raise Heart Rate?

In fact, the only and easiest way to increase the heart rate is to insert a pacemaker. If the problem that causes low pulse rate in our heart is not temporary and cannot be corrected with some measures, we have only one treatment option left, and that is the implantation of a pacemaker. However, not every patient with a low heart rate is ınserted with a pacemaker. If the pulse level cannot be increased to the desired level after all precautions are taken and the problems that can be corrected are corrected, a pacemaker is required in most cases.

Low Heart Rate Treatment Ankara

For more detailed information about the treatment of low heart rate, you can call the clinic of Prof. Basri Amasyalı in Ankara.

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