Heart Failure

Heart Failure Ankara

The heart is the most important organ that ensures the continuation of the vital activities of the body. There is no chance of stopping. Since it is a dynamic organ, it has to work all the time. The inability of the heart to fully perform its function means that not enough blood can be pumped to the body. We can roughly define heart failure as the inability of the heart to pump blood adequately. This condition also seriously affects other vital organ functions of the body. Purpose of treatment is to ensure the continuation of the blood circulation in a healthy way and to prolong the life of the patient. For more detailed information about heart failure and its treatment, you can contact clinic of Prof. Basri Amasyalı in Ankara.

What is Heart Failure?

The main function of the heart is to pump enough blood to the organs to feed all the organs in our body. In this case, we can define heart failure as the inability of the heart to pump enough blood to all organs. If heart failure is not treated properly and the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner, it can progress gradually. In patients with heart failure, the heart can enlarge excessively in the later stages, and accordingly, some patients also develop problems of other organs such as kidney failure and lung failure in advanced stages. In other words, as a result of the heart’s inability to perform its function, damage can occur in other tissues and organs in the body due to malnutrition due to insufficient blood pumping from the heart. In such cases, the person’s life risks have increased significantly.

What Causes Heart Failure? – What are the reasons of Heart Failure?

Many factors can cause heart failure. The first of these is problems with the heart vessels. There are 2-4 mm thick veins that feed the muscle layer of the heart. These vessels surround the heart from the outside, and these vessels are called “coronary vessels” in medical language. If these get blocked, people have heart attacks. Each heart attack carries the risk of heart failure. Because in every heart attack, a part of the heart muscle dies and is lost. On the other hand, some rhythm disorders can lead to heart failure if left untreated for a long time. In some rhythm disorders, the heart runs like an idling motor. If this continues for a long time, enlargement and failure of the heart can develop. Regardless of the cause, we define heart failure conditions that develop after an enlarged heart or a weakness in contraction of the heart muscle as “cardiomyopathy”. Cardiomyopathy can literally be described as heart muscle disease. Many events that adversely affect the heart can cause cardiomyopathy and therefore heart failure. These can be rhythm disorders, heart attacks, valve diseases, infections such as colds and flu, alcohol, untreated hypertension, various cancer drugs or genetic reasons. If we list the main reasons of the heart failure, they are as follows:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • History of heart attack
  • Heart valve diseases
  • The congenital heart disease of the patient
  • Arrhythmia, rhythm disorders in the heart
  • Hypertension
  • Heart muscle diseases, heart muscle inflammations
  • Diabetes and thyroid diseases
  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Side effects of some drugs, such as cancer drugs
  • Obesity, being overweight

What are the Symptoms of Heart Failure?

Symptoms of heart failure start with mild symptoms depending on the severity of the disease and progress to more serious complaints. The most common symptoms are as follows:

  • Fatigue quickly
  • Shortness of breath
  • Palpitation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Sudden and excessive weight gain (depending on edema)
  • Cough and chest pain
  • Color changes in sputum
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Intense edema in hands and feet
  • Constant sleepiness and fatigue
  • Weight loss in the later stages

What are the Types of Heart Failure?

If heart failure affects only the left ventricle of the heart, it is called left heart failure. However, in heart failure, both the left ventricle and the right ventricle are usually affected. Such conditions are also called “congestive heart failure”. Sometimes heart failure is not caused by a decrease in the pump power of the heart, but rather the inability of the heart to relax enough. This type of heart failure is called “diastolic heart failure”. Therefore, each case of heart failure should be examined specifically and treatment should be planned accordingly.

What are the Stages of Heart Failure?

Heart failure can occur in two stages; these are acute or chronic heart failure. Acute heart failure is heart failure that occurs suddenly in a short time after a heart attack or after poisoning or after the heart is affected by infections such as influenza. Some of these patients return to normal with appropriate treatment and measures. Chronic heart failure is heart failure that persists for many years.

Acute heart failure is a type of failure whose symptoms appear suddenly and can be corrected with appropriate early treatment. Acute heart failure is usually seen in patients who have had a heart attack.

Chronic heart failure is a long-standing type of heart failure. Such patients should be followed more closely and their complaints should be controlled with individualized treatment approaches. Unfortunately, the vast majority of patients with heart failure have chronic heart failure.

How to Diagnose Heart Failure?

Certain diagnostic examinations are required for definitive diagnosis in heart failure. First of all, the patient’s history should be listened carefully. After the patient’s history, necessary physical examinations and examinations should be performed. The diagnosis of heart failure can be made definitively with echocardiography (heart ultrasound) performed at the last stage.

3-Wire Battery Treatment in Heart Failure

Heart failure treatment takes a great deal of discipline. At one end of this discipline is the physician, at the other end is the patient himself/herself. The reason why I say discipline is that medication alone is not sufficient in most cases. First of all, the patient should pay attention to the issues recommended by the physician. Salt-free diet is one of them. The second point is to quit our bad habits such as alcohol and cigarettes. The third issue is regular exercise or walking. The fourth issue is the regular continuation of the drug treatment given. If there is a malfunction at one point in this chain, it is not possible to achieve success in the treatment.

In addition to all these treatments, 3-wire pacemakers are inserted in some patients with heart failure. The main purpose here is to increase the contractility of the heart a little more. You can find more detailed information on this subject in the “3-wire pacemaker” section.

Ankara Heart Failure Treatment

Heart failure treatment is a treatment that must be planned by experienced cardiologists trained in this field. The course and stage of the disease is different in each patient. The patient’s age and general health status, the cause of heart failure determine the preferred treatment method. Chronic heart failure is unfortunately a lifelong condition. If left untreated, it can lead to sudden death and serious health problems. The purpose of the treatment; minimizing these risks and bringing the patient’s life expectancy back to normal. With the appropriate treatment approach, most patients with heart failure can live for many years without any problems.

If you need more detailed information about heart failure treatment or if you want to get information about treatment prices, you can call clinic of Prof. Basri Amasyalı in Ankara and make an appointment.

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