Aortic Aneurysm

Aortic Aneurysm Ankara

Aorta is the largest vessel that comes out of the heart and carries oxygenated, clean blood to the body. After exiting the heart, it first begins to descend to the coronary arteries and then to other vessels in the brain and body. The aorta bifurcates at the groin and wraps around the whole body. The enlargement of the aorta in some areas to form bubbles is known as an “aortic aneurysm”. It usually does not give any symptoms for many years. However, as long as it is not treated, the width of the vessel continues to grow. Increasing this width increases the risk of rupture of the aorta. Aortic aneurysm, which we call “abdominal aortic aneurysm”, especially in the abdomen, can show an insidious course. Therefore, an aortic aneurysm is a condition that should be treated as soon as possible when diagnosed. For information about aortic aneurysm and other cardiovascular diseases, you can contact clinic of Prof. Basri Amasyalı in Ankara.

What is Aorta?

Aorta is the largest artery in the body. It leaves the left heart and travels to the lower parts of the body. Its diameter at the exit from the heart is approximately 35 mm in adults. Diameters up to 40 mm are considered normal. It bifurcates in places and ensures the transport of oxygen-laden, clean blood throughout the body. It has different sections including

Ascending aorta (the part that comes out of the heart)

Transverse aorta (the part that reaches the brain vessels)

Descending aorta (from the back to the lower part of the body)

Thoracic aorta (section in the chest cavity)

Abdominal aorta (the section in the abdominal cavity).

What is Aortic Aneurysm?

An aortic aneurysm is an enlargement of the aorta. The aortic diameter value, which is considered normal, can be variable. The surface area of the body, the height and weight of the patient can affect the diameter of the aorta. Under normal conditions, the aortic diameter in a healthy individual can be up to four inches or 40 mm. In patients with aortic aneurysm, the diameter of the arteries is 50% larger than normal.

Aortic aneurysm can occur in any part of the aorta. It is caused by different reasons depending on the region where it occurs. If the aortic aneurysm gets too large, it can cause the aorta to rupture. It is a disorder that usually occurs in older people. This can complicate the surgical treatment process. For this reason, aortic aneurysm should be diagnosed in time and treated with the right method.

What Are the Symptoms of Aortic Aneurysm?

Aortic aneurysm can grow for a long time without any symptoms. However, as the balloon formed in the artery grows, it also puts pressure on other tissues in the area. Depending on the pressure, severe pain and digestive system problems can occur. An aneurysm seen in the transverse aortic section can cause intense headaches and vision problems. Aortic aneurysm in the chest area can cause chest pain, cough, back pain and shortness of breath.

What are the Symptoms of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm?

Abdominal aortic aneurysm is one of the common types of aortic aneurysms. The abdominal aorta begins below the peritoneum or diaphragm and ends by branching into arteries in the legs. Abdominal aortic aneurysm is also an aneurysm formation seen in this region. It is a common aneurysm especially due to smoking, age and hypertension. Abdominal aortic aneurysm can present with intense abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

What Are the Symptoms of Aortic Rupture?

Aortic aneurysm is an insidious disease. In the early stages, it gives almost no symptoms. When the aneurysm enlarges and reaches 6 to 7 centimeters in size, it can give severe symptoms all of a sudden. The greatest risk of an aortic aneurysm is that it causes aortic rupture. The effects of aortic rupture can be fatal. Abdominal aortic aneurysms exceeding 6 cm in diameter and chest aneurysms larger than 5.5 cm are particularly dangerous.

The patients experiencing aortic rupture experience severe pain in the abdomen, back and chest area. Stabbing back pain is a typical complaint. Nausea can also accompany these complaints. As soon as aortic rupture occurs, it can turn into a severe case of internal bleeding. Therefore, it should be intervened as soon as possible.

What Causes Aortic Aneurysm?

Aortic aneurysm can occur for different reasons. Hypertension is considered the biggest risk factor for aortic aneurysm. More than 50% of those with aortic aneurysm problems also have atherosclerosis. High blood pressure is considered an important risk factor for aortic aneurysm as it triggers atherosclerosis.

Other causes of aortic aneurysm are stated below;

  • Structural deterioration, degeneration and inflammation in the vessel walls
  • Genetic factors, family history of problems with veins and vascular walls
  • Smoking
  • Advanced age

Ankara Aortic Aneurysm Treatment

As we mentioned above; aortic aneurysm is usually a silent disease. Therefore, it can occur during different examinations or routine controls. Advanced imaging methods such as computed tomography are used to confirm the suspicion of aortic aneurysm. The treatment of aortic aneurysm should be planned individually for each patient. The main principle in treatment is to keep blood pressure under control. Elevated blood pressure also increases the risk of rupture of the aneurysm. If the patient is not suitable for medical drug use or if the aneurysm is too large, surgical methods can also be applied. At this point, the evaluation and guidance of a specialist cardiologist will determine the course of treatment.

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